The Top 3 Signs Mold Is Growing In Your Home's Crawlspace

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If the crawlspace under your house is developing a mold problem, then it won't be long before a few tell-tale signs show up inside your home.

Recognizing these signs allows you to quickly take action to eliminate the mold. It is important you do so before it makes your family sick or damages the structural integrity of your home.

Here are the top three signs indicating crawlspace mold:

Sign #1: Your Family or Pets Develop Allergy Symptoms

As crawlspace mold grows and flourishes, it sends off spores to propagate new colonies. Your home's HVAC system then brings these mold spores inside of your home and continually blows them around.

As your family and pets inhale mold spores, they will start to have allergy symptoms, such as:

  • stuffy or runny nose
  • coughing or sneezing
  • sinus or skin irritation

If you've noticed these symptoms lately and if your symptoms improve when you are away from home, then crawlspace mold should be suspected.

Sign #2: Your Home Smells Musty or Damp Without a Known Cause

Typically, when you smell a damp or musty odor in your home, the most likely cause is mold growth in a bathroom or cabinet under a sink. If you've checked all of these areas and still can't find the source of the odor, then you should suspect mold growing in the crawlspace. 

Often the musty smell of crawlspace mold will be stronger:

  • on the first floor of the house
  • around HVAC system vents
  • near the crawlspace's trap door

Additionally, you may be able to smell the mold near the vent screens along the home's foundation.

Sign #3: One of Your Floors Feels Spongy When You Walk on It

If mold grows on the ceiling of a crawlspace, then over time, it will damage the structural integrity of the floor above it. As moisture soaks into the subfloor and the mold breaks down its fibers, the floor will start to feel "spongy" or sag as you walk across it. 

If you feel any new floor movement, then you should always investigate the root cause. Whether the movement is caused by mold, termites, or another issue, ignoring spongy flooring will nearly always result in higher repair bills down the line!

What to Do If You Notice Any of These Signs of Crawlspace Mold

In conclusion, if you notice any of the above tell-tale signs of crawlspace mold, then it is vital you contact a local damage contractor that offers mold damage remediation services. They are qualified to inspect the crawlspace and remediate any mold that is found.
